Saturday 14 March 2015

Bucket List

Hey everyone sorry haven't posted in a while a lot has been happening...

Never mind that though today I have decided to upload a bucket list 20 things I want to do before I turn 24, This can also maybe help you with some tips of activities to do too.

  1. Go to New York for new years eve 
  2. Go to Australia for at least 3 months 
  3. Go on holiday with my boyfriend 
  4. (The geek side of me ) Go harry potter world 
  5. Go to Disney Land Florida 
  6.  Go to Africa and teach children
  7. Swim with Dolphins 
  8. Go to Alton Towers for the weekend 
  9. Go Thailand and Ride Elephants 
  10. Go to a Spa  
  11. Put a lock on the lovebridge in Paris with my boyfriend 
  12. Climb the Eiffel Tower 
  13. Go to LasVegas
  14. Go to Hollywood and see the sign 
  15. Feed the penguins 
  16. Go Zorbing 
  17. Take a photo everyday for a year
  18. Backpack through Europe 
  19. Go Scuba diving in the ocean
  20.  Go on a road trip

Feel free to leave comments telling me what your bucket list is, and i will start uploading my frequently.

Sunday 1 February 2015

When Life Gets A Bit .......

Hi Everyone .....

This could be a very dull and boring post for some of you but for others could help.

This week I've been going through a bit of a emotional roller-coaster and sometimes as a girl or maybe even a boy you can have these weeks but don't know why? my best advice for this is DON'T PANIC sometimes it can only make things worse, one of the reasons could be due to school/college work and the best advice for this is just BE ORGANISED and allow yourself time don't over work yourself but do not let yourself fall behind.

Tips to help you relax 

Take a relaxing bath sometimes it can help to soak your worries away. 
 Watch some TV fill you brain with comedy, romance not stress and worry 
Or unwind and just watch some you-tubers.

    And Lastly talk to someone it's not good to keep it bottled in.

    Over this past week my boyfriend has been a major help, you may be worried to talk to someone because they think your being 'silly' or 'emotional' but there will always be someone there for you, my boyfriend was my someone and know that i have spoken to him i feel less emotional and that if i get like it again i can always go to him.

    My Amazing Boy Friend!

    Sorry if this post hasn't been very exciting tonight everyone just thought this could help sometimes because they help me!
    Please comment and tell me what you think of this post and i'll shall blog you soon! 

    Monday 26 January 2015

    Trip To London!

    Earlier on this month I went to London with my boyfriend, our main trip was too the London sea-life aquarium. Before we went there though we decided to go to the household cavalry museum and watch the colour parade.
    Solider at the front of the museum  

    Colour Parade 
    Me and The Solider 

    Trying on the uniform

    Respect For The HouseHold Cavalry 

    Kinda selfie with the Solider and Horse 
    After the that we decided to go sightseeing round London 
    Good Old Big Ben 

    My Pet Lion In Trafalgar Square 

    And again!

    More Trafalgar Square 

    Went to see Lizzy but for some reason wouldn't let us in?

    After we visited Big Ben and Lizzy we went to the  main attraction the sea-life aquarium, a little tip for you if you ever go London and want to go to the sea-life after visiting Buckingham Place DON'T go to VICTORIA STATION go to St James Park trust me much quicker.
    My Twin 





    After that we went to Hamleys toy shop and our inner children came out and we went to the milkshake bar there, such good milkshakes I had a creme Egg one and Luke and bubble gum Millions, I had such an amazing day and just wanna go back would like to thank my boyfriend so much for an amazing day and for my teddy bear he bought me that day too! 
    Me&Luke Before the Aquarium <3

    Monday 5 January 2015

    Amazing Facial wash

    I have tried many skin products for my face because I don't particularly have the best skin and most of them don't work they even make no difference what so ever or they just cause irritation for my skin, then I was given benefit skincare sample pots and inside was the benefit FOAMINGLY CLEAN FACIAL WASH and just from using the little sample i could see tremendous difference. I was then given to the full product and I have  only had it for a couple of weeks but i can already see the difference, it helps minimize your pores, doesn't cause any irritation for my skin and your skin feels so smooth and soft once you wash it off. This is quite an expensive product but is definitely  worth it because it helped improve my skin in a matter of days.

    Price £17.50

    Sunday 4 January 2015

    First Blog Post

    Hi Everyone, 

    This is my blog kinda haven't  decided on a proper name yet, but this is my blog and it is going to be about fashion,hair,makeup,skin care all sorts and i hope you all enjoy it!

    Benefit Make up 

    SEXY&SCRUMPTIOUS makeup kit 

    I absolutley love benefit make up, you could almost say i am kind of obsessed! For Christmas i got a lot of benefit products, one of them being this makeup kit 


    Insider this makeup kit it contains ;
    A blusher which is called CORALISTA and i think this is a great blusher, its a cross between a ready pink and when you put it on you cheeks it look really pretty and leave a shimmer on your cheek bones.
    A Mascara which is called THEY'RE REAL i can honestly say this is one of the best mascara's i have ever used, when you apply it you do not need to use a lot and it doesn't leave clumps once you apply it, this also make you look like you have real eyelashes,last all day and is waterproof. 

    A lipgloss which is called ULTRA PLUSH LIP-GLOSS, a lip and cheek stain called POSTINT which i have yet to use yet but have heard great reviews on.

    A Highlighter Called HIGH BEAM this is a great product to use one you cheekbones if you wanna add extra shimmer and shine to them.

    A EYESHADOW PALLET which has five shades in it called PASSION PEARL,PEACHY SHEEN,TERRA-COTTA SATIN,STEAMY COPPER and DEEP BRONZE, all of these shades apply nicely onto your eye lids with the brush provided and all of them can create and really nice champagne smoky look.  

    This is a great makeup pallet and can work for any occasion any time of the day i would highly recommend you to go out and buy it!

    Price £29.50